Thursday, December 25, 2008

Meh li quiz mez!!! ;)

25 Dec 2008, Wednesday

Hihi my friends~ Meh li quiz mez!!! ;)

WOWWW it's been a month since my last post? i didn't realise that!! Oh well, hasn't really been fantastic for me anyway...... Especially this week! While seemingly everybody else has had the privilege of being basked in festive mood and happily meeting up family and friends, Yours Monkeyly has had to endure an intriguingly sucky week full of OT. Just look at my work hours for this week!!

Monday - 6:45am to 9:45pm
Tuesday - 6:45am to 7:00pm
Wednesday = X'mas eve - 6:45am to 1pm (That's only after i risked my head to call my superior for permission to get the next shift to come in early... AND to add insult to that everyone else were off for the whole day due to an event they were supposed to attend in the morning but was cancelled due to weather)
Thursday = Today = X'mas - 5:30am to 7pm
Friday = Tmr - 5:30am to god knows what time......
Saturday = 7am to 1pm if nothing suay happens...

Sianzz week lo!!!! All thanks to the stupid audits that's coming to us in early Jan... Kills all the festive mood in us. Dunno who plan this kind of stupid timing to have them... Idiot(s). I'm definitely going to regret missing out on the gatherings with my friends this X'mas...... How the hell do they justify compensating us with only equivalent off days to losing these kind of company with loved ones? Irritating lo.

Hmm hmm but on the plus plus side i got some nice gifts this month! It's pretty rare that i'd get gifts that i really really like... To be honest the only one in my whole life that i can remember being reeeeally happy about was the ukelele!! I guess i'm kind of fussy! But this month alone, i actually got 2 gifts which made me really really really happy!!! Special thanks to Dan, Sheena, Dejun and Jeremy Poh!!! I actually wanna talk about the gifts but they're so nice and simple yet fascinating (to me la)... and i want to do them justice...!! Wait till i'm more free then write a post with pictures bah!!!

Of course wanna wanna thanks the rest too who went through alot of efforts to get me nice gifts and celebrations too... Like Joey Janet XiaoheiJac and the rest of you out there la! Hahaa :p Xie Xie!!! Love u all ;)

Take care my friends and happy holidays~!!! :)

Monday, November 24, 2008

Knowing ABC about me~

24 Nov 2008, Monday

Saw this in Zhaorong’s blog and decided I’d do it as well~ Somehow I find it fun talking about ourselves… Hur hurr hurr~ :p

Knowing ABC about me~

The Letter A
Are you available?:
Ya~ But only available to gals… No gays pls!!!! I hoot u ah
What is your age?:
28 this year… as of now still 27!! Hehe :p
What annoys you?:
Hmm~ inconsiderate people lo, we see them everyday though~ on buses, from litters on the road.. etc

Letter B
Do you live in a big house?:
3 room flat yeh… I am poor family’s kid lai de!! Hahaa :p But my block’s surroundings are super nice and spacious!! *smirks*
When is your birthday?:
6 Dec lo… That’s why I’m still 27 mah! hur hurr~ ^^
Who is your best friend?:
WOW tat’s a difficult one… I have a lot of close friends, although I dun do things like call them to chat or wat. My kindergarten best friend was Siwei, primary school best friend was Hanxiang, Sec school best friend Qingjie. NS days, ITE days onwards quite a lot of nominees wor~ colleague friend Alvin is my current best talk cock and mahjong buddy… And I like Jimmy for his honesty and gongness, Zhaorong for his frankness, Edward for his playfulness. But I guess if I really have to name one… Must be either Kuang or Wanling bah, I’ve got a certain telepathy with them u know~~!!! See la even want to choose one also so difficult! If not, guitar is laopo, mahjong be best friend? But skating is my sunshine. Soccer is my favourite. AIYO!!!!! Even use activities also cannot name a proper one!!! Give up la :p

Letter C
What's your favorite candy?:
Hmm~ hmm~ not really a fan of candies… Can’t think of any now
Who's your crush?:
I have a crush on Charlene of Twins!!! Many people would tell me Gillian’s more pretty each time I tell them that, ok whatever, but I like Charlene more for her cuteness, ok? I have a liking for cute and active girls somehow, and girls who wear white catches my attention more easily… Oops! Out of topic liao, Hehe. Other than that, Jessica Alba lo.
When was the last time you cried?:
Hmm few days ago only yeh~ was watching movie clips online then cry cry~~ *sobz*

The Letter D
Do you daydream?:
Quite a lot wor~ I think it happens all the time to geniuses… hur hurr hurrr~ :p
What's your favorite kind of dog?:
Wowww u got me there… I have favourites but dunno what breed or name la
What day of the week is it?:
Hmm~ does it matter? nuah day lo

The Letter E
How do you like your eggs?:
half-half lo, the yolks must still be watery!
Have you ever been in the emergency room?:
Uhhh~ not sure if mum’s pregnancy during that time was carried out in one? If not, I guess no lo
What's the easiest thing ever to do?:
Ermm~ blinking?

The Letter F
Have you ever flown in a plane?:
a number of times lo
Do you use fly swatters?:
no wor, my home no flies de
Have you ever used a foghorn?:
I shall look for the meaning in the dictionary first… wait ah… *flips flips* aiya forget it la :p

The Letter G
Do you chew gum?:
Ya~ but dun really like doing tat. Thank god its not sold here
Are you a giver or a taker?:
Both bah!!
Do you like gummy candies?:
Hmm~ depends on who’s giving them to me

The Letter H
How are you?:
I prefer u ask me Hosay boh lor. Ya hosay lor thank u
What color is your hair?:
Black, not even a single strand of white!! ^^

The Letter I
What's your favorite ice cream?:
Definitely chocolate, also like Vanilla, Durian, Yam, mango ice creams
Have you ever ice skated?:
Yes lor, but my feet hurts when doing that. And then quite dumb going round and round in circles in a confined skating rink. Rollerblading better!!
Do you play an instrument?:
No wor. I play instruments!!! Picked up guitar playing… Wish I’d continued learning violin and piano during poly days… Involved in club committee too early back then, got no time!

The Letter J
What's your favorite jelly bean brand?:
Hmm~ nvr had them… I think i would prefer Bertie Bott’s Every-Flavour Beans if they were available to us though……
Do you wear jewelry?:
u DO mean jewellery right? No wor!!

The Letter K
Who do you want to kill?:
If only cockroaches and mosquitoes had names… I’d name them all lor. Besides that, I think all rapists. They should be tortured and killed for the eternal hurt they cause to victims and their love ones.
Do you want kids?:
Can I have 11? Enough for soccer team, or to play 6 a-side with me inside, or open 3 mahjong tables!! Ha ha ha :p Ok, realistically, would love to have maybe 4 lo.
Where did you go for kindergarten?:
I forgot that kindergarten’s name liao… Opposite Old Boon lay Shopping Centre tat one, Blk207.

The Letter L
Are you laid back?:
If you mean being easygoing and carefree, ya I’m quite like that. That’s why I dun really pursue relationships… GFs and wives dun appreciate that attitude from their men de.
Do you lie?
Alot!!! Mostly for making fun though. Aiyo! I should’ve lied for this question

The Letter M
Whats your favorite movie?:
Can I just say type of movies? Comedies.
Do you still watch Disney movies?:
Ahh yes and no… I like them but they’re not so readily available
Do you like mangos?:
I like mango flavoured stuff… there's this fantastic mango desserts shop in Hong Kong that i visited once! All sorts of desserts to do with mango there... but very heaty yeh

The Letter N
Do you have a nickname?:
Many~ Mum used to call me "Hao por heng", I think it means 38 or busybody or something like that in Hakka. From friends lei… ayam la~ monkey la~ heng heng la~ hengzai la~ and a confidential one between me and someone (****zai!), the one I liked most was pentium5 though ;)
What is your real name?:
Yow Heng or Yaoxing lor, great name that originated from a chicken rice stall, hahaa!!
Whats your favorite number?:
Used to be 10 for traditionally legendary shirt number for greatest creative attacking soccer players. Right now mah… Smaller than 10 I guess but no favourite number in particular
Do you prefer night over day?:
Depends on situation lor

The Letter O
What's your one wish?:
continue to be happy for the rest of my life
Are you an only child?:
2 elder brothers lo

The Letter P
What one fear are you most paranoid about?:
losing loved ones forever
What are your pet peeves?:
Should be quite a lot yeh~ due to my impatience. I get annoyed by little things
What's a personality trait you look for in people?:
I like people who are friendly and quirky!!

The Letter Q
What's your favorite quote?:
Right now it’s that "Yes we can!" from Obama!! Wahahaa :p
Are you quick to judge people?:
Hmm~ I guess not. I’m more careful and sensitive with that

The Letter R
Do you think you're always right?:
Hello? How can anyone be always right?
Are you one to cry?:
Call me crybaby!! But in what way does this question have anything to do with "R" huh?

The Letter S
Do you prefer sun or rain?:
Do you like snow?:
Never had any direct encounters with that but from stories and shows it sounds and looks romantic and fun so, I guess yupz
What's your favorite season?:

The Letter T
What time is it?:
TV time!!! (Did this on Saturday tat's y hahaha)
What time did you wake up?:
once at 9am+, once at 2pm+…
When was the last time you slept in a tent?:
11 years ago... in our bashas!!

The Letter U
Are you wearing underwear?:
Huh~~~ so chim question. Wait ah let me check
*pulls shorts and looks down* WOWWW!!! yes lei!!!
Underwear or boxers?:
U should have ask that in the question on top right? Might as well ask for the colour, more interesting right? Underwear la

The Letter V
What's the worst veggie?:
snozzcumber lo… Poor BFG
Where do you want to go on vacation?:
Would love to be in France for Christmas with my loved one someday. Ahhh~ i almost forgot! Hawaii!!!!

The Letter W
What's your worst habit?:
Nuahness and indecisiveness
Where do you live?:
Boon Lay lor
What's your worst fear?:
Wah lau~ repeat question right? ok lor, fear is losing any loved one, worse fear is losing 2 loved ones.. so worst fear is losing 3 loved ones ok? no more than that for the moment liao... hehe :p

The Letter X
Have you ever had an x-ray?:
Many lo, SAF so many check ups. And also once when I was in primary5, I fell from 2 metres and got hit on the head… had concussion for a few days
Have you seen the x-games?:
Si mi lai de? X-men have, x-games? errrrrrrrrrrrrrrr~~~
Do you own a xylophone?:
stupid question… no la!! Ask about X’mas mah~~~

The Letter Y
Do you like the color yellow?:
One of my favourites
What's one thing you yearn for?:
Strike Toto!!!

The Letter Z
Whats your zodiac sign?:
Do you believe in the zodiac?:
More keen with horoscope lo
Favorite zoo animal?:
I like Lions… But not zoo one lei~ so tame, how?

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Funny pics~!!

12 Nov 2008, Wednesday

Finally exams are over!! Didn't do as well as i would have loved to...... Put too much time and effort in my Marketing Mix Assignment, i guess? Hmm~~ Got small suspicions that i might fail management paper... OB was quite ok~ But i won't get the As i was hoping for for these 2 subjects after all.. Waste of my reasonably excellent course assignment results!! Oh well~~ at least i know i'll definitely get a bling bling *Distinction* for Marketing Mix Management!!!

By the way, i'm pretty impressed, deeply moved, and inspired by Mr. Obama's campaign message of Hope and change. Here's some extracts of what i caught of his speech on TV around lunchtime on DDay after his victory... i'm able to write these msgs out only because they appeared on the newspapers (and watched youtube) though~!!

"... Change has come to America... ... ... The road ahead will be long. Our climb will be steep. We may not get there in one year or even one term, but America - I have never been more hopeful than I am tonight that we will get there. I promise you - we as a people will get there."

"... What began 21months ago in the depths of winter cannot end on this autumn night. This victory alone is not the change we see - it is only the chance for us to make that change, and that cannot happen if we go back to the way things were, it can't happen without you, without a new spirit of service, a new spirit of sacrifice. So let us summon a new spirit, a patriotism, a responsibility, where each of us resolves to pitch in, and work harder, and look after not only ourselves but each other."

"... To those who would tear the world down, we will defeat you. To those who seek peace and security, we support you. To those... ... ...we prove once more that the true strength of our nation comes not from the might of our arms, or the scale of our wealth, but from the enduring power of our Ideals! Democracy! Liberality! Opportunity! and unyielding Hope!!"

For those interested to listen to his victory speech, here's the link!!
I really think this is good to watch... Hahaa :p

And Really impressed with the graciousness shown between him and Senator McCain.

They say pictures speak a thousand words. Look at these!!! Very funny and educational pictures...... Hahahahaha :p

Monday, November 10, 2008

Horoscope!! :)











My love is full of tears~?? Hur hur hurrr~~~ :p

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Funny Map

27 October 2008, Monday

Deleted yesterday's post cos i found it quite boring, haha!

Shall share something i forgot about instead... Liting's Sg Map!! The map that made me laugh till buay tahan when i first saw it... Hehe :p Liting very kindly sent us an email to give directions so we could reach her home more easily for our mini gathering and attached this map in her document... Ha ha ha ha ha *grins*

*Numbers Edited for Liting's privacy... Haha ;)

So cute right!!! Hur hur hurr~~~ :p I laughed and laughed at the instance of seeing this map cos i was expecting something from street directory or something... Think Liting should make a Full Singapore Map like that!! *Chuckles*

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Ah Heng's Test results

21 October 2008, Tuesday

Was thinking "finally i get a chance to relax" after finishing up 3 out of 4 assignments when...... (Looks at the calendar when at work)
EXAMS IS JUST 2 WEEKS AWAYYYY~~~~~!!!!!! *Panics*
And i've still got another individual assignment on Franchising to finish!!! *Panics again** Help!!

"So what are you doing here when you should be piahing your last assignment now" one might ask. Taking a break la!! Dun be a slavedriver can?!! Hahaa :p

Actually, was going thru my favourited list of websites while taking my break when i discovered this quiz that i got from someone somewhere (forgot who liao... zhaorong issit? hahaa) that i couldn't find time to take last time and forgot about after that. Then from that website i got interested and took a few quizzes instead. Quite interesting wahh~ ;) Here are the results!!

Test 1
Get to know yourself better

Your view on yourself:
You are intelligent, honest and sweet. You are friendly to everybody and don't like conflict. Because you're so cheerful and fun people are naturally attracted to you and like to talk to you.

I think that's very true... really don't like conflict especially :)
(Turns to friends) Do you agree? Hahaa :p

The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:
You are a true romantic. When you are in love, you will do anything and everything to keep your love true.

Errr... Oei Mister, Hello hello? You got answer the question mehhh~?? I think you read the question wrongly wor. Read again and answer properly la... I'm very curious about this one lei *tsk*

Your readiness to commit to a relationship:
You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.

Ya ya definitely tat's why some ppl should just shut up and leave it to my own time, opportunity and feelings hehe :) oops no offence

The seriousness of your love:
You like to flirt and behave seductively. The opposite sex finds this very attractive, and that's why you'll always have admirers hanging off your arms. But how serious are you about choosing someone to be in a relationship with?

No wonder i always like to li-siao my gal friends (but not in the chi ko pek way)

Your views on education:
Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.

So so so so so true~ Got see my msn nick? Hahaa ;) Have been feeling so happy and satisfied and fulfilled ever since i started taking my degree

The right job for you:
You're a practical person and will choose a secure job with a steady income. Knowing what you like to do is important. Find a regular job doing just that and you'll be set for life.

Ya lo no wonder i signed on. And no wonder i sometimes think of quitting to take my guitar (and maybe other instrument) grades. Feel like teaching music yea~

How do you view success:
You are afraid of failure and scared to have a go at the career you would like to have in case you don't succeed. Don't give up when you haven't yet even started! Be courageous.

Very scared indeed!! Really ah...... ok lo maybe next year i try...

What are you most afraid of:
You are afraid of things that you cannot control. Sometimes you show your anger to cover up how you feel.

*Nods* Ya lo things that cannot be controlled not scary meh? For example Lehmann brothers kind of things... no? wah kau~
Errr~ Huh? show anger to cover up? *scratch head*, no lei~ if i show anger, it means i'm angry! Not obvious meh?! Hahaa :)

Who is your true self:
You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve.

Ohh ok~ thanks for the enlightenment ^^

Take this test -

Test 2
Psychological Test

  • You are easy to understand.
  • How ambitious you are depends on the height that you answered, which is: Top.
  • You are opinionated and self-oriented, the size of this personality as seen by others is big.
  • Diamond means stubborn personality.
  • You are also down-to-earth.
  • You are an opportunist.
  • Your husband or wife is the one you need when you are in trouble.

Ya very easy to understand... but ambitious? hmmmmmmm~~~ opinionated means? self-oriented definitely ya i think so.... down-to-earth uh huh ya ya :) Opportunist, ya lo~~~ all smart ppl are like tat bah? A few friends (for example Marcus) say i'm very gan (cunning), u referring to that mah? hehe :p Yessss definitely, if and when i'm married, tat is... Wahaaa!! ^^

Take this test -

Test 3
How attractive are you?

You are extremely attractive to the opposite sex. You are not only good looking but your personality is also charming in many ways.You know how to get along with people and can allocate your time well. You are always popular among the opposite sex.

It took me a few moments of hesitation to post this up... Cos then ppl will say i bhb. *sigh* Not i say one hor is the test results come out liddat i also bobian..... hehee :p
Ok actually looking at the way the questions were structured, i think most ppl will get this result la haha

Take this test -

Ok back to doing assignment liao!! ;)

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

小小 updates :)

13/14 Oct 2008, Tuesday

It's 1am++ now. Slept at around 7pm to make up for lost sleep from burning midnight oil last night and woke up at 12 midnight just now. Geez~ am i really alive? Waking up at 12 midnight sounds ghastly. Heng the friendly monkey ghost mmaaahhhh~?
(*echoes* mmahh mahh mah......) Muahaha :p

It's been a long time since i've really had the capacity to sit down to write in a relaxed mood like now. Been busy with assignments and stuff. I know NPS fellas would sit up and complain "what about mahjong, huh!?" on this statement, wei~~~ my last 3 mahjong sessions didn't materialise ok!! All cancelled!!! Leaves scars in my heart (hehe) *sobs*

Now that i've got time to think about it, another event i wouldn't have wanted to miss comes to mind - NPS music camp. Well, not that the current music camp would've really interested me, it's missing out the gathering with my-batch-NPS-fellas that's bugging me. Owww~~~ Can remember all the pre-camp KAP outings we used to have and sneaking out and back in to campus via the back gate and smashing kuang with cake and all... so fun!! *scratches itching heart* Suay lorrr assignment deadlines on 10th Oct and 13th Oct respectively haunting me with near sleepless nights for almost a week within the music camp period. I want to go~~~~!!!!! *whines*
Looking forward to Dec chalet camp!!! Hehe :)

Suddenly i think of my calendar of events and wonder "what's with 25th October!!??" *panics* Everything seems to be crammed into one day. Family day + exam revision with Dr. Spandana + meeting "Home alone committee"... HAHA!! I made that name up... i quite like the term though! ;) I'd like to think we'll have lots of fun mingling around and planning for our event, jiayou people!! :)

Just read the individual part-answers from 2 of my grpmates from my Marketing Mix Management module... Really happy with the answers from them. Unlike Management grp assignment where i literally had to do everything myself (ended up doing considerably chin chai for my standards), this assignment should be quite a piece of cake.

And ahhh~ ya... speaking of the management assignment, I actually dreamt about it in my sleep just now! LOL!! :p Hard to explain my dream but it was kind of like the concepts came to me in flashbacks of bits of memory and hyperlinks to other concepts, then to more concepts in 3D mindmap movie format. If i had 1 or 2 more days for this assignment after this dream i think i'd have done a much better job on it. Haiya maybe i should have prepared the capacity to relax my mind somewhere in between. (thinks of missing music camp and squats in the corner and sianzly draw circles on floor with index finger) *back* Well, i guess that's an indication of that i've learned well from this assignment anyway~!! ;)

Suddenly hear this nice and classic song while half watching tv. Very nice and i absolutely love the lyrics! Somemore the duo singing this song started in sentimental mode then turns to rock version in between... super nice!!

我的未来不是梦 - 张雨生

你是不是像我 在太阳下低头


因为我 不在乎
对自己的承诺 对爱的执着~


Very true hor the lyrics? Exactly my way of thinking! But mine's in a happy and positive way not so tortured as the original lyrics sounds, haha~ :)

Ok must end here liao!! I'm supposed to be doing my Marketing Mix Management assignment now (now = from 1hr ago) *chuckles* Somehow couldn't resist dropping by everyone's blog to tag, then became tempted to write in my own one, hehe!! :p
Ok bye bye liao!! ^^

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Assignments part II

11 Oct 2008, Saturday

It really helps that i'm not aiming to get v high marks anymore. Why?

Reason number 1: After managing to cheong out the assignment on Recall During Learning by burning midnight oil on thursday night (after drinks somemore), yours monkeyly sensed a stroke coming along (twitching face for one whole week and counting + tense muscles on neck and head) and decided to take time out for good whole periods of rest.

Reason number 2: We're just 1 and 1/2 days away from another group assignment deadline and i haven't received any respectable answers from my groupmates yet - that's not to blame them though~ The reason why this is occurring stems from my incompetency to chase them for answers throughout the weeks we've had to do it + my lack of discipline in churning out the full answers for my parts (tat's y no face chase for ans la!! Hehe!! :p). Where's all the discipline and enthusiasm i've had in term 1!!!??? ahhhhhhhh~~~~~

Reason number 3: I'm enjoying reading through my notes without any fear of not doing well for this assignment - so i just have to add in my points where i deem fit and restructure the answers for logical flow. It makes everything so much simpler!!

Reason number 4: I get to watch tv and all the things i enjoy doing without having to feel guilty or gan jiong for the work that are left to be done~ Wahahaa~~~ :p

P.S. All the xiao peng you out there... don't xue gor gor huh!!! Must study hard!! *chuckles*

Must be a more disciplined, assertive and competent leader next sem!! :)


10 Oct 2008, Friday

For those wondering what i've been up to during the past week, here's a glimpse of what i've been writing for one of my UNICORE module assignments... For those who studied in Ngee Ann Poly, UNICORE modules are kind of like our IS modules, haha!!

Recall During Learning
The ability to recall previously learned knowledge facilitates better learning and easier understanding of new subjects. Recalling is therefore crucial to learning. By understanding how the brain recalls during and after learning, effective habits can be shaped and developed to enhance an individual’s information recall ability.

Factors resulting in high recall of information
At the end of a learning period, certain parts of knowledge are more effectively recalled while the rest are considerably forgotten. It is also interesting to note that recall of information gained at the beginning of a learning period is high but can get progressively worse as time goes on. This causes 2 effects to occur in a learning process known as the primacy and......
Quite interesting stuff actually, but it's making my head burst cos i've probably developed too high expectations of myself recently. For one whole bledy week, I keep writing, rereading, shaking my head and deleting what i've written for my assignment because they don't seem to be good enough. Previously, doing well was good enough for me, but suddenly after a bout of good results everyone expects me to get above 80marks for everything, myself included. Gotta change this mindset to make myself enjoy learning again!! :p
The irony of this whole thing is the name of this module........... Learning to learn!! Haha!! ^^

Sunday, October 05, 2008

Mini Updates

05 Oct 2008, Sunday

I've been horribly lazy for the past week!! Urghhh~~~~~ According to my own schedule (in my brain, hehee), was supposed to have completed 2 out of 4 assignments by today (due 10 oct, 13th oct, 20th oct and 07 nov respectively), but as of now, yours monkeyly hasn't even started on any of them yet! Lots of midnight oils this week, i guess... *sigh* i hope i manage to gather enough resolve to work on them though.

This week after work,
Monday - mahjong with Ed, Jol, Kuang and Hongzhi. Was expecting Liting and Zhaorong to come too but they didn't so it was slightly less re nao than i initially expected... Quite fun la!!

Tuesday - Lessons and nothing else

Wednesday holiday - went to Xiaohei Jacelyn's home to do our online quiz, then met Jason (colleague friend) to pass him the photos for our HK trip and finally ended the day at (colleague friend)Alvin's home for mahjong. *Sigh* Originally planned to reach Xiaohei's home at about 12+, meet Jason at 3.15 and Alvin at 4 but i overslept and spent about an hour trying to burn the photos to dvd *noob* so in the end reached Xiaohei's home at about 2+ and told the rest i'd delay our things by about half an hour (decided not to do my quiz yet). When we'd finished with Xiaohei's quiz, i rushed off to meet jason at about 4pm. Very late liao so had to cab to Alvin's home in the end... Very ex!! And i suffered my first major loss in mths, lost $25! + $19 cab fee (rub salt) *ouch*. Aiya , but we played at a higher rate than usual though so actually quite ok hahaa :p i had fun nevertheless!! :)

Thursday - frantically reading through my notes trying to catch up on everything

Friday - Lessons and (finally) did my Online Quiz.... Did well!! ;)

Saturday - Work and mini gathering at Qimei's home... Originally wanted to jio zhaorong jiaying esther etc they all go too but wasn't sure i could go till the day itself so in the end didn't ask. At the end of the day we were talking about many of the fun things we did and went through last time... So funny!!!! ^^

Sunday - Looks at myself and my accomplishments this week - what the hell!! Only read 3 chapters (out of 12 originally planned) and haven't even started on my assgmts... Time to discipline myself!!! *Cane* *Cane* Today must work hard!!!

Mahjong session starts 7pm tmr my friends =_=''' (Wahahaa :p)
Shall write about other things rather than myself when i have more time!!! ;)

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Updates!! Sep 2008!! :)

28 Sep 2008, Sunday

WOWWW, i only remembered i had a blog today, since the last time i'd blogged, cos i saw zhaorong's new blog! Then see fishy's complaint, feel so paisay!! cos i'm 3 weeks late to respond!!! :p

End August - can only remember the disappointment with virtuoso concert from NPS. Poor flow of events, playing time almost equivalent set-up time, emcees who are blur like sotong and don't even know which songs are which and didn't even bother to know how to pronounce Mr. Alex's full name before the concert, which suggests they'd done none rehearsals together. I think they should go back to LT26 for their performances la...... This is the first time we've had performer's friends shouting "encore!!" and alumnis echoing "don't want la!". Can imagine how bad the performance was? Hahaa :p Feel so sorry for Xiang Xiang who's improved TREMENDOUSLY!! We were super impressed with her lo... She's exuding such class in her own cello playing and yet the rest of everything was so disappointing.

Very very eventful September 2008 for me!! It started with my Hong Kong trip from 3rd to 7th Sep... Quite a number of complaints about the trip at first but thinking back, was actually quite enjoyable la!! Hong Kong is a nice place to shop and shop...!! ;) Too bad my colleague friends whom i went for the trip with aren't those who really like to take candid photos lo, so my photos are basically alot of self-taken ones. Only ONE group photo amongst my photos... can u imagine that!!?? Hahaa :p Then there were two irritating incidents - one with a rude tourist trying to cut queue and another rude waiter who really sparked an unnamed fury in us. But oh well, Particularly enjoyed my time there doing shopping, playing in macau (the casinos are huge and grand and beautiful!!) and the ocean park.

Hmmm one small follow up from my last blog, was absolutely right about my 2nd batch grpmates! Nice ppl to work with and we're absolutely comfortable working with each other. One of them we outcasted, cos he literally didn't attempt to put in any effort into our work and It's funny, cos xiaohei jacelyn feels more like our 4th grpmate. The other 2 girls Joey and Janet i really *applaud* *applaud* *applaud* them cos they've family and kids to handle, on top of all the work and assignments that we have! ;) Our rapport is such that we all still meet up to do our quiz and assignments together even though we are no longer in any same classes.

After Hong Kong it's assignments assignments assignments all the way and i have come to the end of my first term!! 13th Sep weekend was spent with Saturday on duty from 5.30am till 7pm and Sunday KTV with Joey Janet and Xiaohei + dinner and bowling with Esther Dejun Weiling and Licong. Last week 21st Sep weekend was super tiring with very little sleep for me cos had events plus term 1 assignments due. 21st Sep Saturday, i met up with Joey Janet and Xiaohei to have our video recording done. Originally expected us to finish within 2 hrs but turns out we ALL needed to continue working on our powerpoints and speeches so from 2pm dragged all the way till midnight and then i cheonged home to watch Arsenal match without doing my video recording. It was fun disturbing them during the recording process though!! Hehee :p Slept at close to 4am and woke up about 7am+ on the morning of 22nd Sep sunday to go east coast park for my flight's keep fit morning exercise event. Rollerblade till 11am+, then went Alvin's home for mahjong till 9pm+ then cheong home with Kuang to do my video recording due next day. Haha!! :p Hahahaa damn funny lo the recording process!!!

First we moved one of my tables from my bro's rm to my rm. then we positioned it ON my bed (cos i needed the background). Next, we shifted a shelf or whatever u call it plus a cd rack on top of it for positioning the camera, and stacked chairs and tables to position the laptop right below the camera so i could read my prepared but un-memorised speech. And then i was wearing a shirt on top and looking all formal in the camera but wearing only shorts underneath... Hahaa!!! :p

Then there were all the NGs we had... One of which i will never ever forget because out of the 19 slides of speech i had prepared, i was already going into number 16th when... *water flushing sound from toilet* ... (Heng continues to speak for 3 - 4 seconds then... Bursts out laughing!!!) JI DAN!!! NG for nothing!!!!!!!! Imagine the lecturer looking and listening to the video and hearing the flushing sound!! Luckily no such things in my final recording lo!!!

Ended the recording and my day at about 3am+ feeling super tired and i had wake up at 5+ to go to work cos i'd specially asked my colleague to let me do his duty for monday so i could go for and leave work early to go submit my assignment in hard copy cd. Less than 3hrs sleep/night for consecutive 2 days!!! And of course also little sleep on the days before that though not as cham... Abit huo gai la cos i slotted in all the play and socialising despite the amount of work left to be done, Hahaa :p Have to la!!!!! Like i say, family and friends vs learning vs work, family and friends comes first!! ;)

26th Sep 2008, Friday
A typical normal day with lessons at the end of the day. Still, joined Alvin (Airforce colleague friend) and his friends Yingjie, Shan, Jolene & Leonard for KTV... and one of them is super cute!! Would describe her as someone who's got needles in her backside cos she never manages to keep still. One moment she's chitchatting here, the other she's hopped across the room to play and enthusiastically take photos (busily changing poses) with her jiemeis and the next she's gone to the toilet and comes back in with a pose. Hahaa!!!! cute and bubbly lo :p And she is a powerful drinker. And she plays mahjong...!! Perfect!! That's the kind of girl i think guys should go for~!!! Think she would suit Alvin just fine hahaa ;) If i remember correctly i mentioned something about the female version of me in one of my earlier blogs... Here got one la!!! Wahahaa!!! Very nice to know there's still girls like this around!! :)

Now going into the 4th/3rd week of the 2nd term and i am busy like hell with the assignments. Only just managed to finish 2 assignments last Sunday and thursday respectively, and there's another 4 more (2 grp and 2 individual) to finish along the way + exams on the 1st 2 weeks of Nov. Just did another quiz yesterday (27th Sep saturday) with Joey Janet and Xiaohei at Janet's home. So far getting 80s and 90s for my assignments and quizzes so can consider doing quite well bah!! :) Feeling really satisfied with the learning curve and happy with myself so far!!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Updates!! ;)

14 Aug 2008, Thursday

I'm back!! Thanks to sweetie Jin's complain~~~ Hehee :p

Well well~ this goes wayyyyyyy back!!! Missed out on writing soooo many things which i felt alot for, like when Spain won Euro'08, wooooohooooooooooooo!!!!!! That made me so happy because having watched some of their friendly matches BEFORE the tournament started, i'd confidently commented on my support and liking for the playing style of these 2 teams, only to meet condemning retorts from some of my colleagues and friends who'd laughed them off as quarterfinal teams. HAHAA!!! Look who's laughing now~? i do feel sorry for their pockets though (i really do!!!) Alright it's abit silly to start bragging now after the tournament seems so long gone and when all the euphoria and excitement's about the Olympics... So let's move on! ;)

Next, lots of mahjong sessions happenings with many high points to talk about but which i guess i should skip talking about already~ Then of course NPS fellas, we had our Tioman holiday trip and BBQ outing... Uh huh!!!!!! The BBQ!!! Wahahaaaa i'd booked a pit so far from where ppl normally drop off from (Mac) that many of them had to walk 1hr - 2hrs to reach our pit... i got scolding from many of them lo!! PAISAY LA ok hehee only left those few pits and i booked the pits weeksss in advance already!! And wonder whyyyyyyy marcus and jinwen (and maybe many others) seriously thought i was bluffing when i told them we'd have 20++ ppl joining us... Wah lau!!! BUT what's really worth mentioning was the preparations... Was really proud of the food i'd prepared (alone!!)!! Especially the "mixed satay", damn nice!! Planned and bought and marinated all the food myself with some help from mum, and of course Hongzhi and Liting help me with the "mixed-combo satay" comprising of sausages pineapples cuttlefish balls prawn balls qingjiao mini-tomatoes etc, which was really really really nice looking and delicious as well!!! Those satays made me really really really proud lo! hahaa ^^v Yeah and there's the mushrooms and pork (oops! not halal!) and etc as well!

Yup, up next... school's started again for me! So far, my classes have been really interesting and fulfilling... Quite tiring with work and lessons plus projects but still fun nonetheless! And i've still managed to continue with my occasional mahjong sessions somehow~ hahaa!! :p

Just met my new 2nd project teammates of 4 for the first time today (we formed up online via discussion board + email) and i'm really really glad to find that they're all jovial, chitty chatty and nice ppl!! Abit sayang la cos today there was another 2 girls who needed 2 people to join them and they were quite cute and pretty~ But i think i've found the most suitable teammates la!!! Think will have fun doing project with them lo ;)

Hmmm i've still missed out alot, but stop here for now bah!! :)

Monday, June 23, 2008

小小 updates June08 :)

23 June 2008, Monday

WOWWW!!!!!!!!!! i haven't written for the whole month???? Wahahaa~ Didn't realise tat sia~ :p

Ok~ thinking back now it's not really surprising cos basically i've been up to almost nothing at all this month!! So nothing really worth updating, hehee :p I'm living like a hermit cos of 2 reasons!!!! Lots of my friends were having or had exams coming up from mid-May till mid-June, so instead of activities outside, i decided to pepper my life with indoor activities like reading and watching tv. I bought 3 sets of chinese novels at one go la!! So stayed home alot or sometimes went downstairs for some suntan while reading. Luckily for me, pleasurable distraction soon came in the form of.... EURO2008!!!!!! Wooohoooooooo~!! I watched almost every single match!!!! And this year's EURO2008 has been quite satisfying and enjoyable to watch so far, save for a few boring matches like France vs Romania, the teams either played breathtaking football or, in the case of some matches, the underdogs fought hard and there were plenty of goalmouth action or, some games had more unexpected twists and turns than 3 movies added up! Really entertaining stuff!! ;)

Last weekend was the most satisfying i've had for weeks. Met up with a total of 18 follow ex-NPS fellas on saturday la!!! Started the day having bread and tea while waiting for the first batch of KTVers @ Marina Square GV cinemas. Supposedly, we wanted to get our movie tickets before singing klunch so that we could watch the movie directly after tat but...... I'm the only one who arrived early!!!!!!!! Wah lau~!! The world is turning upsode down!! Hahahaa... Wah~ Buay tahan lo~~~ Seeing as it was already 11am, i abandoned the cinemas to queue up at kbox instead while waiting for the rest. Wowww ppl singing klunch is ALOT. The queue is like the taxis at Changi airport!! Ok i'm exaggerating abit, but tat's the idea la, hahaa :p So sang k with Hongzhi Liting Sio Marcus Yuhang Peiyu Jianqi and Dejun for the next 3 hrs and it was very shiok~ While we were singing i cancelled the planned Evening activity @ East Coast for the movie instead cos not everyone of us were keen on the idea. After kbox, hanged around the shopping centre while waiting for the rest to join us. For the record, those who joined us later were Zhaorong Jiaying Yueying Kelvin Edward Jolene Weiling Licong and Jonathan. After the movie we had supper together and that was it for the day with them... So nice meeting everyone again lo!! ;)

After supper, went home, washed up and waited for Edward to come a visiting. We watched the EURO2008 quarter-finals together! ARGHHHHHH to think that the 1 of 2 teams that i supported since before the tournaments didn't perform up to expectations and crashed horribly out of the competition... Holland!!!!! Wah lauuuu~~~~ why u like that~~~~ *Heng flips flips and dies on the floor for a few mins after writing the above* So disappointing lo........ But Russia played great attacking football so i guess they're worthy successors to the "attacking team to advance" tag. Still, i'd wish for my team 2 of 2 - Spain - to put the last of the bullets in that Russian Roulette back in the heads of the Russian team!! Hahaa :p Having said tat, if the Russians continue to play so attractively it'll be against my principle to not support them all the way... Pity that so many pure attacking-styled teams were grouped such that they had to meet so early in the tournaments lo.

After the match, Ed went off and i continued watching tv till about 7am... then went to sleep till 11+. Met up with Ed again at lakeside MRT at 12noon, then with Peiyu and Jianqi @ Causeway Point at 12.30pm. We had lunch and then..... MAHJONG~!!!! Wahahaaa~ So shiok to touch the Mahjong tiles again after a few weeks!!! Absolute Adrenaline rush lo~~ Was the sole winner for the first round but almost didn't win at all for the 2nd. Ended the day with about $38 for winnings~ compensation for the other times tat i lost! Haha :p

Shiok Weekend!!!! Before i end...
I'm planning a BBQ on 5th July!!!!!!!! ;)

Monday, May 19, 2008

小小 updates ;)

19 April 2008, Monday

Was having another mahjong session with Edward & Co. at Jolene's home when Sheena reminded me that i haven't blogged for ages.... Basically didn't come online much in recent months and especially for the past 2 weeks cos both my brothers have been vying for the use of my laptop all the time... didn't want to 上演 三國演義 at home la~!!! Hehee :p

Hmmm, start from 03 May bah. Tat day, went to East coast with NPS fellas for skating/cycling... Sio is back!!! ;) Sounds good huh... probably should organise a bbq soon, hehe.

04 May - Mahjonging again, at Sheena's home. Just Jianqi Peiyu Sheena and me, played till about 7pm, then cheong-ed home to watch soccer.

05 May to 09 May after work - practised guitar lots lots!! ktv on wednesday with my colleague-friends, and mahjong on thurs.

10 May - Mahjong with Ed Jol and Jianqi @ Jol's home... Last min arrangement!!! Hahaa~ Changed a dripping tap in my bathroom to a new one... Took me just about all of 10 or 15mins to gather the tools required and finish the job, and to think mum almost wanted to employ someone to do it!! It not only pays to have a lame son for a few occasional laughs... but also a handyman one~~ My mum is lucky!! I'm both!!!! Wahahaa~~~ :p

11 May - stayed home and started reading one of my old chinese novels again... Watch soccer at night... very last of the season's English Premier League matches!!

12 May to 16 May - On noon shift duty in base everyday from 3pm to 12midnight/when airfield closes... still managed to go for skating on thurs night with my colleague friends cos was released from duty early!!! Had an adhoc-ed dinner cum supper with Wanling on Friday too, hahaa :) Always enjoy having nice little chats with my close friends! I've stopped practising guitar though... Wah lau~

17 May - Tried to organise another adhoc mahjong session but failed... played abit of soccer instead

18 May - Mahjong at Jol's home with Ed Jol Jianqi Peiyu Sheena and later J.Poh... Played till midnight then went for a little run + chin ups + sit ups + push ups... Got a couple giggling at me at the fitness corner!! Wah lau!!! Then washed up and went to bed... Slept like a pig after tat!!! ;)

19 May - Today!!! Feels like a Sunday man... Originally wanted to go East coast for some light skating and sun-tanning but woke up quite late so decided to finish reading my chinese novel instead... So went downstairs for sun-tan while reading it... 1 stone 2 birds~ i'm slightly darker now!! YAY!!! :)

Anyway, i happened to come across this story just now, think it's a rather good one... Read!! :)

A Lesson on Bad Temper

There was a little boy with a bad temper. His father gave him a bag of nails and told him that every time he lost his temper, to hammer a nail in the back fence.

The first day the boy had driven 37 nails into the fence. Then it gradually dwindled down. He discovered it was easier to hold his temper than to drive those nails into the fence. Finally the day came when the boy didn't lose his temper at all. He told his father about it and the father suggested that the boy now pull out one nail for each day that he was able to hold his temper.

The days passed and the young boy was finally able to tell his father that all the nails were gone. The father took his son by the hand and led him to the fence. "You have done well, my son, but look at the holes in the fence. The fence will never be the same.

When you say things in anger, they leave a scar just like this one. You can put a knife in a man and draw it out, it won't matter how many times you say 'I'm sorry,' the wound is still there.

A verbal wound is as bad as a physical one.
Author Unknown

Friday, May 02, 2008

Contented :)

02 May 2008, Friday

Feeling very contented now!! Haven't felt so contented for ages le!! Hahaa

Yesterday, invited Kuang, Wanling, and 2 of my colleague friends Alvin & Jimmy to my home for mahjong. Was supposed to start at 11am but Jimmy reached a little earlier than 10am, so we went to dabao brunch to my home to satisfy our stomachs before the game. I had yummy roti pratas and tou huay and tou huay zhui!! :) Jimmy was commenting happily about having a big "cai tao"(wanling) to "tok"... But end up... ... ... Wanling won a total of $50 from us at the end of the day la!!!!!!!!!! Wahahaaa~~~ Clown la this Jimmy!!!! :p

Basically was a typical fun mahjong day for me, but with an extra whiff of warmth than usual cos Mum was sooooo happy to have Wanling visiting us. Hahaa aiyooo~ but can't blame her la, she has absolutely adored Wanling since day 1!! Yours monkeyly me myself earned some cold hard stares from mum *shing!! Shing!!!* when Wanling (who insisted on doing the dishes despite mum protesting and trying to coax & drag her away from the wash basin) was doing the dishes after our meals... Hey!! You're not supposed to do the dishes!! Hahaa :p But thanks for being so nice :)

Feels great to have my best friends visiting, especially Kuang and Wanling, cos mum's always particularly warm & nice to them!!! Drop by more often u 2!!!!! Hehee :)

Today at work, was also an enjoyable day. Can't really remember the details... Only remember we all laughing throughout the day for some small little silly funny things here and there la. After 2 days such as yesterday and today, and tmr being saturday (Planned!!! Skating at East Coast!! And Mahjong on Sunday!!!!), who can blame me for feeling so happy and contented now lei???? Hahaa :)

BUT!!! From experiences, big "storms" normally awaits after having this kind of contented feeling... So better not wallow myself in this happy feeling...... Ya? ;)

End here for today~

Monday, April 21, 2008

小小 updates ;) 21/04/08

21 April 2008, Monday

I hope my friends aren't getting me wrong, while i'm so-called re-motivated once again to dating and relationships after so long, i'm not horribly desperate to be in one lei! Hehee :) Let nature take its course lo~ my chance could come when school starts for me again in July when i get to know new faces, i guess, so in the meantime i'm not particularly fussed over any of these issues... In any case, who knows, i might end up being single all my life and that's no big deal, cos i'll have all of u with me thru my life anyway(i hope la)! Wahahaaa~ ;)

Had a boooooooorrrrrrrrrrrriiiing weekend over the last few days... Stayed home for both days... Yucky yucky~

Saturday - was supposed to be meeting some of my friends for movies somewhere west side but then the venue, people attending & time wasn't confirmed all the way till the whole thing was cancelled... =_=''' everybody thought somebody else was supposed to organise!!! Wahahaaa how dumb~~~ Should've met other friends for their bbq la~ Too bad one event's in the east and the other was (supposedly) in the west!! I guess it was my destiny to stay home and watch Arsenal TRAMPLE Reading to pieces in a not-so-significant-anymore premier league match... But Brilliant!!! How nice to see Arsenal playing that kind of exciting football again!! Really pleased la!!! :)

Sunday - continued reading (started reading on and off from a weekday) from one of my brother's old Reader's Digest Special Editions book. As each of these books consists of 4 stories specially selected and edited by Reader's Digest, I wonder if it's pure coincidence, or god's will, or whatever... I just happened to start on the 2nd story of this book right after finishing my last blog last friday. Title's "Then Came Heaven". The story starts in this small religious town... A (near perfect) woman dies leaving her husband and kids, and in the end he finds love again, kind-of thru god's will (as the story supposedly implies). Lovely little story :) I think god wants me to fall in love again, hehee :p Aiyo look at me... this is not something to be "hehee"ed about. Whoever's reading this, forget this paragraph and refer back to the first!! ;)

Hope to have a better & more exciting "next weekend" though!!! ^~^

Friday, April 18, 2008

小小 updates ;)

18 April 2008, Friday

Just took my IPPT for this year on Thursday. Did quite well considering the only exercise i've had for the past 1 or 2 mths was a little light running last thursday midnight - clocked 10min 46s for 2.4km run. Aiya should've been abit more serious so that maybe can get gold... only need to clock under 10mins to achieve that (Cat Y!!!) Hahaa :p Wasn't expecting tat kind of timing due to lack of training so didn't piah at all. But still, can't help feeling that age is catching up with me, cos 10yrs ago could always easily complete that distance in just a little over 9mins. I should exercise more, waahaaa~ 27 le!!!

Recently, things seem to be getting a little plain for me~ plain as in 很平淡 la!
Weekdays after work - wash up, have dinner, switch on tv, becomes couch potato till sleep.. Or sometimes might stay back to play pool in our mess with my colleagues friends before carrying out the above mentioned routine. I really miss playing soccer, but abit difficult to find ka nowadays

Weekends abit more satisfying~ Normally would meet friends for mahjong or sing k or watch movies. But starting to get bored with that too cos becoming quite a routine... Though it's hard to say mahjong is not fun la!! Wahahaa~

Would still prefer to be doing a little something different sometimes though~ Was chatting about this with my colleague friend and he reckons it's high time for me to get myself a gf... Yupz dating again sounds nice, any nicey girls wanna intro me anybody? Wat kind of girls i like lei... Hmm... in terms of appearance, petite and cute (but not too small la). Other things lei~ Prefer someone really Lively, active, playful, talkative, considerate, a little bit 撒嬌ish sometimes, cheerful and... smart!! Wahahaa :p The "can laugh loudly anywhere" and expressive type la! Basically quite the female version of myself huh, Hahahahaaa :D 老王買瓜~ And Yea no kidding i like really smart girls!! Talk like real huh but where to find such nice girls who are still single & unattached lo wahahaa~ I think i'm being too picky!! (^-^)

Still, no chemistry = no relationship!! ('-^)

BUT in case any of u out there knows someone like this... intro me intro me intro me intro me intro me intro me intro me intro me intro me intro me intro me wahahaaa :p

Ok besides getting more interested in relationships again after 1 and 1/2 years there's something else on my mind that's really important to me... I WANNA LEARN HOW TO SPEAK CANTONESE!!! Wonder how best i can learn it lei? Anybody wanna teach me? Hahaa ;)

Ok shall stop writing here for today!! :)

Monday, March 31, 2008

Missing grandpapa Alex Abi~

31 March 2008

Awww~ Cowy u make me miss Alex so much.
For all NPS guitarists, if you haven't already read it yourself

Only NPS guitarists would understand, la, i think :)

Mr Alex
I wish for your good health
I thank god for letting me meet you at some point of my life
because we once crossed paths but nvr met at that time

I thank you for the love and passion for music that you have in such abundance
for the love and passion in music that you have opened our hearts to
for all the different kinds of music and detail that you had taught us to appreciate
and for all the magical pleasures of playing and listening to music, that you had shared with us...

Earlier today, I read a cow's blog about you
i closed my eyes in search of hidden memories
i remembered, i saw,
this old man sitting in front of us behind a desk
this talkative man, reminiscing his past to us
or talking about the origin of a piece of music
or looking at a music score, clapping his hands in rhythm
and singing "di di di di~" when conducting us
laughing heartily with pleasure whenever we manage to play a particularly enjoyable song

i remember us amused, laughing, while this indian old man
wearing colourful socks with musical notes imprints

thrilled us and played songs like "月亮代表我的心" to our amazement

I remember this old man we all respect so much
with his eyes closed, in hard concentration, playing the guitar
while the rest of us, we sat listening, eyes on him
pleasantly surprised at the music we were hearing from him
our hearts filled with admiration, sometimes in awe, sometimes disbelieve, thrilled, enthralled
looking at one another, and thinking
"this song can be expressed like that?! Wow!!"

I remember myself learning all the guitar parts for our practice songs
suddenly i could appreciate what every guitar part had to offer to a piece of music
then i sat in his position
and conducted group practices when he was not around
proclaiming myself as "Hengbisheganaden"
i could feel my every cell in sync with each vibration of the music
i sang or played or clapped along while the rest played their parts
i talked crap and joked with the rest
and i really enjoyed myself!
And all that, i learned from you

For all those happy memories
for all the pleasures and magic of music we had learned to appreciate from you
for the everlasting love and passion for music that you have instilled in us
for all the warmth and happiness you had given me, given us
for every single note of music we had learnt to express from our hearts the way u do
and for being my music santa claus
With all my heart, i wish to say

We love you, Grandpapa music-santa ;)

Sunday, March 23, 2008

The Leap Years

22 Mar 2008

Watched this movie today!! Some say it's quite ok only, some say it's really nice. Hmm~ i think it's really nice!! I guess it's nice for people who's really sensitive and sentimental ba~ waahaaa~ :)

First thing i wanna mention about the movie is... the part where they said something like "it takes a lot of courage to stay single for so long waiting for the right person to come along and not get into a relationship for the sake of getting into one". Not sure what's the exact phrase, but remember myself mentioning this same theory to someone or some people quite some time back!! Few months ago ba... can't really remember when or who but i definitely definitely had mentioned it before... Hahaa~ These words are so true!!

Feb 29th... what an extraordinary day it is~ feels even more so to me as i've learnt about the culture of the "having to accept a girl's proposal" much earlier on, before i watched the movie. The version i heard of is not merely a fine, but "bad luck for 4 years" if you dun accept the proposal though!!! Much more scary huh~~~ Wahahaa :p

What do i like about the movie ne...? The parts with Li Ann and her mum... Speaking in a mixture of cantonese and english. These scenes emit so much natural warmth and bond between mother and daughter...... The scenes where Li Ann was with her gal pals...... So funny and heartwarming!!! ^^ And also the last part where KS was reading Jeremy's letter... Touching!! Some people say the plot is really predictable... But still, i really like the movie cos there so many scenes which really touched my heart. Like i say... A movie for the sentimental people la!!! ;)

Half thinking i might get the DVD for keeps and maybe after re-watching it, edit this post to make it a much more justifiable one for this movie!! :)

I really wish that i'd watched the movie earlier on as previously planned with u should know who u are earlier on though

"O ........... K"

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Irritating day today :s

15 Mar 2008, Saturday

Originally, post number 99 was meant to be more sentimental, lots about my memories. The past few rainy days had brought back so many memories and sentimental feelings to my mind and heart. I wanted to write about how much i missed some people, how much i wish to wake up one morning finding myself in those times again... How much i loved those times and people. Alas!! It was not to be!!!! BECAUSE OF TODAY!!!!!

Was actually looking forward to today since last week...
Originally plans for today:
12noon - 6pm --> Mahjong with colleagues
7.30pm - 9.30pm --> NTU Guitar Concert with NPS fellas
11pm - whatever time --> KTV with NPS fellas

Whole day of fun planned!! Had found myself in a super good mood since wednesday.
Who knows, who knows who knows... Something happen yesterday and we had to work OT, and also go back to work today. Originally was forecasted that we'd only need to work till about lunchtime... BUT!!!! Who knows who knows who knows who knows who knows...... We were told to wait for a sample to reach us for some testing, waited and waited and waited and waited and waited for the whole day long, waited till i had to give the concert a miss. Called some of the NPS ppl to see if i could give them my ticket, but those who wanted to go had all already bought their tickets!!! Sigh~ wasted.

Just when i thought things couldn't get any worse, we received a phone call from the other workcentre informing us that they couldn't send us the sample today anymore as they'd discovered another problem. WTF!!!!!!! Means all that wasted time and wasted ticket and wasted fun ALL for nothing!!! Sibeh dulan... But also bobian, cheong home to bath and have dinner and wait for kuang they all to call me after the concert see where we going. Can still go ktv!! :)

Finished dinner, washing up and changing. Read newspaper, played handphone games, watched abit of tv... ... ... Looked up to see the time 10pm++... ??? How come no news from them yet sia... Thought the concert ends 9.30pm? So smsed them, after which, received their call telling me they were waiting for sheena. More ????? appear in my head... Huh? Was thinking can go sing first mah, since night ktv normally starts 11 or 11.30pm. So said ok, once ready to go, call me. But after hanging up the phone suddenly feel very tired from today's work and abit of frustration..... More waiting, after all the waiting in the day. REALLY!! Know whatever happened today was not anybody's fault.. but really cannot tahan liao. Aiyah dun want to wait liao la~

Stay home instead to watch Arsenal vs Middlesbrough!!, Hahaa :p

Suay like shit today la
God damn it
Allah Damn it
Guan Yin Niang Niang damn it

I still wish i'd written something more sentimental and meaningful for post number 99

Tuesday, March 04, 2008


Hihi!!! Here i am again~ Hahaa :)
AIYO, haven't been writing cos i'm getting kind o' restless and lazy lately, here's some updates anyway~ I'm making this post easier for myself by posting something i'd already written days ago.... Waahaaaa~~ ^^

(Extracts from parts of 2 email letters to a friend!!)

Date: Sat, 1 Mar 2008 18:36:57 +0800
Yesterday was at Sentosa for my squadron's anniversary celebration. 29th Feb!! Happens to fall on a Leap Year day, Hahaa~It was quite fun! Had a number of activities going on, beach soccer, beach volleyball, some kind of "Gladiator" game, Girls dressed and dancing in Hawaiian style, Whole tables of coconut for us to pick and drink anytime,free airbrush body painting (like, temporary tattoos la, i got myself a really nice phoenix double-coloured "tattoo"!!! ^^), and finally a big feast (grilled beef, lamb, chicken, ham, prawns, fried rice, western style soup, salad, etc etc!!!) and some interesting programmes, games and singing/dancing and stuff.

Then there was this segment where we had this "Ah Kuah" emcee,and he/she was really funny!! And the (real) girl dancers are so chio~~~ Waahaaa~ :p

And today being a weekend, i went for another mahjong game with my colleagues, i won $25!!! Well i lost $17 the last time on wednesday, so now... Happy lo~!! Hahaa ^^
Glad to know you're settling down quite well there, as it seems so for now... Must take good care o' yourself ok!! ;)

Write back!! Hope you're having fun!! :)
Yow Heng

Date: Thu, 21 Feb 2008 01:47:36 +0800
We've gone into the last day of CNY as i'm writing now, the past 2 weeks were really enjoyable and eventful! All the visits to homes of my friends, yours as well, and i had NPS fellas visiting my home too.. All the mahjong-ing and "tuan-yuan-ing" and noise!! Really love tat feeling... Hahaa! And guess what? I'd actually bought myself a set of mahjong and mahjong table last weekend and i'm still feeling happy about it now, hahaha~

Then at work, there's all the New Year celebrations and dinners and toto Angpaos and stuff... And i went for this Outstanding Serviceman of the Year award that i was nominated to get interviewed for... I didn't manage to win the award though!! Probably am just the worst of the best, hahahaa :p

I also managed to get free tickets to a preview of an airshow, that's planes doing flying stunts formations and stuff, it was quite nice but sadly due to weather they didn't appear to have done a full-fledged performance.. Pity la!! So many things of the past 2 weeks on my mind now!! Gotta stop writing now though cos soccer match's gonna start in a moment, Make sure you write back with a nice long account of your life there huh!!! Waahaaa~ :p

Keep in touch!! ^^
Yours Monkeyly!! :)

Monday, January 21, 2008

Recovery Time~!!

21 Jan 2008, Monday

HahA~!! Finally decided to post an update after 10 days of my Lasik Surgery!!

I have PERFECT EYESIGHT now!!! (i think so la) YAY!!! :)
no more speckies~
no more contact lenses~
no more dry eyes!!! :)

Went for my lasik for both my eyes on 11th Jan 08, which is last last fri from date of this post. Was rather excited about it for over 2 weeks before the op~ Have suffered quite abit though!!

About my surgery (epi-lasik), it lasts less than 5 mins for each eye. First the doc uses some fluid to numb the eye abit, then asks to focus at a red light, uses something to suck up the cornea (i think) where everything goes black for a while. From here, machine takes over and eyesight correction was done with the laser burning off a portion of the cornea above the eye pupil, 3 phases of burning from which i could smell chaotah (burnt) smell. After that the doc removes the dead skin and flushes the eye and puts on a bandage lense (just some kind of contact lens la) to protect the eye. Tadah!! Same procedure is then repeated for the other eye~ After tat, the assistant sticks another ugly protective cover over my eyes... URGHHH~~~

After the surgery, straight away took cab home where everything looked bright and was abit difficult to open the eyes.

Day 1 (Fri)
Reached home from the surgery. Vision still abit blur... Arghh~~ Not much pain though~ Troublesome though~ Have to drip sterilising eyedrops every 3hrs to prevent infection for first week, every 4hrs for 2nd week onwards for a month. Here's how i looked with my protective cover!!

Had to wear this thing for the whole day on fri!!! And also before sleep every night for the first week before!! WAH LAU

Day 2 Saturday
Ouch~ Ouch~~ Woke up with clearer vision but everything still looks bright and my eyes are abit pain. Not easy to keep eyes open. Took cab to my eye clinic for my first eye evaluation and kenna shoot by doc for not using the lubricating drops. WAH LAU the label says "use when necessary" only mah~~~ After tat, cab back home again... Must avoid crowds so bobian... Gotta stay away from all kinds of smoke la fumes la E.G. cigarette smoke car exhaust fumes and even perfumes which can cause infection to the recovering eyes. Bored for whole day~~ Can't watch tv, can't use computer, can't read. Played guitar for a while... Got bored really quickly!! So..... Hahaa~ aiya heck~ put on my sunglasses and started watching tv and using my laptop in the evening. Watch soccer with much difficulty cos eyes starting to feel more pain.

Deciding to stick my protective cover in another way instead~

Day 3, Sunday
OUCH OUCH OUCH~~~ Immediately regret watching tv and etc the day before cos eyes super pain. OUUUCCCHHHHH!!!!! Whole day of suffering~~~ But still too bored... So read books for the whole day.

Day4, Monday
Aiyo eyes still blur... how how how
Continue reading for whole day~ Hahaa

Day 5, Tuesday
Eyes still blur, reckon it might be because of the bandage lenses. Woohooo0~ Going to have them removed next day... Looking forward to clear vision after tat!!

Day 6, Wedesday
Took Bus 502 to eye clinic this time... Had bandage lenses removed (Burning sensation!) and...
Eyes still blur blur... Siao Liao!!! =_='''
Still read books whole day too anyway

Day 7, Thursday
Back to work with eyes still abit blur~ Quite a relak day but sianz~~ Start watching tv programmes again lo~~ Yippee~~~ :)

Day 8, Friday
Woohooo0~!!!!!! Clear Eyesight!!!!! ^^
Watch TV programmes!! Yay~
No more wearing of protective cover at all!!! YAY~!!!

Day 9, Saturday
Played mahjong at colleague's home then met Kuang Qimei Zhaorong Xiaohei at Jurong Point where we had a really nice time reliving nice memories and suaning Xiaohei~ Hahaa!! :)

Day 10, Sunday
Rested home whole day and... Read books!!!
Become habit liao!!! =.='''

Eyesight still great!! :)

Made 3 Birthday Wishes on my Birthday last month... Here's the first one came true!! ;)

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Bye Bye Specs~ Bye Bye contact lenses!!! :)

10 Jan 2008, Thursday

Going for my Lasik Surgery tmr!! So soooo looking forward to it.... Hope nothing goes wrong!! In the meantime i'm practising throwing my specs away after the surgery *fling fling my specs* ... Hahaha~ :p No la~ on 2nd thoughts, maybe keep as souvenir~

Come to think of it, have been wearing specs since i was in Primary One... That means i have worn specs for 20 years alrdy!!!

One last Ah Wang pic with my specs on~!!! ^^

Bye Bye Specky~ I won't miss you~~~ Hahaa :p

Oh by the way, anybody using -4.50 or -4.75 or -5.25 contact lenses? Cos I've still got quite a number of those dailies left... So can get them from me!! Just drop me a msg if you want them ok!! :)