Sunday, July 29, 2007

changes needed~ :p

29 July 2007, Sunday

On my writing
It wasn't till last night that I realise my recent writings here places too much emphasis on what has been happening to and around me rather than how i feel about them, which pretty much makes it less fun and kind of "out of point" for me. I mean, it's not really my intention to make this a so-called "online diary". The thing is, each time i have some new inspirations, feelings about things, i can't seem to find the time to sit down and write about it, and when i do write about it, it's more like reminiscing what has happened and not, like i say, how i feel about it.

Would probably change how and wat i write already~!! ;)

Aww~ the darn weather
I simply dislike, loathe, 討厭, 不喜歡, 厭惡!!!! the weather nowadays... Too much wet weather, too little sunlight!! Autumn, or rather the rainy season came abit too early this year, dun u think? It's depriving me of the trips to East Coast and killing my drive to go out and have fun!
Damn...... LOLzz =p

"I miss the Sun and Redang and Goreng Pisang!!"

Ok la so the Goreng pisang part was a lie... Added just so it rhymes~ Hahahaa :p
I'm bored at home but with no drive to go out!!! Kill me bah!!!

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