Thursday, January 04, 2007

Arghh~ So little time~!!

03 Jan 2007, Wed

Skating's been keeping me super happy~ Today skated at an empty space near my home for just over an hr, liddat also 很爽~!! Lolzz :p It's fun learning new stuff! *beams*

Suddenly everyday's programs seems to fill in automatically without me needing to think wat to do, though it's possible tat it's only for the past few and the current week. I hope it doesn't stop here though~ Think i should get myself an organiser in case i forget when, where and who i'm supposed to meet. Hahaa ^^
I love my life and my friends~

Priortised from top to bottom
1. Any meeting/gathering with friends for watever purposes (agreed before i decide to skate... lolzz :p)
2. Skating at east coast unless it's raining
3. Skating at the open space near my home
4. Playing guitar/watching tv programmes if it's raining
5. Writing here~
6. Skating in my dreams while i sleep, if it's raining
Arghhh~ and i was hoping to fill in soccer somewhere in between... How? how!? Help!! So many things to do... So little time!!! (>_<) Why why why is there only 24hrs in a day??? Lolzz :p

Gosh... seems like i won't get to skate anymore till next week, packed with stuff for the next 4 days!! Maybe i should try dragging myself out of bed in the morning during the weekends for some light skating... Hahaa ^^

==''' i'm writing here when i said goodnight to my friends on msn like, errr... half an hour ago? lolzz :p I'm Supposed to be sleeping already now!!! Sooo~ little time...... wah lau.......................

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