Sunday, January 31, 2010

One-out-of-Two-Times-Jialat-Jialat-Update!! :)

31 Jan 2010, Sunday

Hihi!! Good thing i still managed to post before January is out and away. It sounds tragic to have the first post of the year anytime outside of January, well, feels tragic to me anyway~
So, lucky i remembered to be back!! ;)

Ok as y'all already know (and complained), my posts stopped for what, 3 months? Yea yea it's not that i've nothing to write, but i just got so immersed in the heat of everything that i, well, didn't think of writing. Umm~ no, that's not an excuse. To those following my blog, i have 2 words for you; 1. Sorry. 2. *sheepishly* Hehe. Ok, technically 3.

Nov 2009
Well... Now, as far as i can remember, i spent Nov 2009 getting engrossed in a few things. First of which was Vincent Van Gogh and the song written after him.

Vincent Willem van Gogh (30 March 1853–29 July 1890) was a Dutch
Post-Impressionist painter whose work had a far-reaching influence on 20th
century art for its vivid colors and emotional impact. He suffered from anxiety and increasingly frequent bouts of mental illness throughout his life, and died largely unknown, at the age of 37, from a self-inflicted gunshot wound. Little appreciated during his lifetime, his fame grew in the years after his death. Today, he is widely regarded as one of history's greatest painters and an important contributor to the foundations of modern art.

*Rolls Eyes at those wondering* Ok, it wasn't because of paintings, alright? I only noticed this person's life because of this fantastic song "Vincent" written by Don Mclean. If you'd bother to notice, the song elaborates everything from the name of Vincent's paintings, the circumstances he'd been through, and the how and why his life ended the way it did.

Oh my GOD i actually elaborated on this. Sheeeeeeeeeeeeet.
Definitely Nerdy.

Of course, early-mid Nov was the time where i was supposed to be studying studying studying for exams and nothing else. I wonder why and what the hell now, that i was researching into all that stuff at such a crucial period. And i can actually recall having fun chit-chatting during revisions rather than stress. Damn. No wonder i had to settle for lesser results. Of course, i also had my mind full on my sweet not-fated-de-dream-lover. For all the fuss over her, i actually managed to fluff every single little chance to talk to her, last of which was helped by Xiaohei's tactical position and of course, helpfulness. As i say, not fated. Xiaohei u owe me one. hor. ArHahaaa :D

Mmmm~ Such a pity.

Hey guys/gals, if y'all happen to know any really cute gal by the name of Lee Sze Ying, pls intro her to me, ok????? I think that's my dreamlover~ Lolz :p

Post-Exams-alamaktar - A syndrome where one suffers from much anxiety, desperation, hair-pulling, regret and alamak and pray and alamak, alamak and alamak after exams.
Ok, i made that up, grrrr~ I don't know about the rest of you, but Yours Monkeyly definitely suffered from P.E.Alamaktar first thing after each exam paper this sem. Main reason was, i actually managed to definitely flunk one 25mark question for each paper. Of course that doesn't affect the post-exam celebrations at cineleisure with Xiaohei, Joey and Janet - my mind was full with distraught from the latest missed-chance-encounter with cutey dreamlover-who-continue-to-stay-no-more-than-in-dreams Sze Ying. We watched 2012 and i thought it was fantastic, despite a few magazine reviews to the contrary. And then while we was having dinner at Xing Wang cafe (i saw Stephanie, Jennifer and their friend there on their gal outing!), Kuang called and i had to reject his invitation to go drinking with his colleagues because I already had my post exam late night friday soccer celebration session scheduled (I overheard him saying "Oh!! one handsome down" to the dismayed cries of gals in the background when he thought wrongly that i'd hung up the phone). *Back to Singlish mode*Oooi, next time want to intro me gals, say early lah~~ Hahaaa ;)

Ok, so exams came and went with Nov, and when it was over finally here was my favourite Dec! The month full of fun and happiness and having too much time on my hands due to no school after work.

Read quite a number of books, didn't I? Must've been more than 10 at least, i think. Finally managed to find "Outcast" and "Oathbreaker" from Michelle Paver's Chronicles of Ancient Darkness series. And there was that book related to Merlin, can't remember what it was. And then there were a couple more books from the library plus i bought the whole series of Cecilia Ahern's books and the House of Night series by P.C Cast + Krsitin Cast.

Ohhh of course, breaking out of the nerdshell, there were the Bday celebrations and gifts and about 3 fun flight/base/squadron events and NPS chalet and X'mas!! Awww~ where to start? *Exhausted after long post* Next post, i think! To be continued!! ;)

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